Wednesday 27 July 2016

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The Crazy BRONZER Party!

This is a crazy story about a crazy bunch of people who have this crazy party every year.

This party started (we think) 44 years ago with seven couples who all went to church together.

This is Barry - our attorney - (this photo is old) with John.  Barry graduated back long ago from Law School and passed the Bar.  We were having this Christmas party and everyone brought a White Elephant gift - you know the routine.

Well, Barry had received a bottle of very expensive tanning cream for a graduation gift.  It was called Bronzer.  He brought the Bronzer to the party as his gift.

Everyone arrives and puts their gift in a black bag on the front porch - so no one can tell who brought what.  Then, they are all displayed and one by one you pick your choice.  Now, in White Elephant gift exchange, you can take someone else's gift but the third taker is the owner.

To make a long story longer, the Bronzer became the main White Elephant gift and has been making the rounds for approximately 44 years.  Whoever ends up with the Bronzer hosts the party the next year.  

The Bronzer has varied thru the ages.  It is quite a feat to see how you can magically bring a gift that no one could possible imagine the Bronzer was in.  John and I hosted the party for many years and then we started the tradition of wherever the Bronzer went was the host for the next year.

One year someone put the Bronzer in a jar of peanut butter and it came with a package of peanut butter cookies.  Great idea - however, the next year as we prepared for the party and pulled the Bronzer out - it had destroyed the plastic bottle and had just dissengrated in the jar.  So, we had to start with a new "Bronzer" that we found at a local junk store.

As you can see, there are some really "white elephant gifts".  Some reappear and some are never seen again.

The fun part of this party is the fact that these seven couples are all the same, original couples we started out with.  We are all still together with the original mate.  Amazing, isn't it?

As of this year (I did not attend as it was just too soon after John's passing) we have lost two of the men.

But, the tradition continues.



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