Saturday 30 July 2016

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Ignoring The Weather!!

In an effort to completely ignore the freezing rain, sleet and snow outside, I made a Spring wreath.

I had seen this, I believe, on Pinterest but when I went back, I couldn't find the original source again.

It is a frame from Michaels combined with a bird (again from Michaels), a nest with eggs and a banner spelling out Spring.

It was a fun project except it took forever to paint that frame because it was too cold outside to spray paint it.

But, it made me feel better anyway.

Poor Bella has not been well.  She had her teeth cleaned last week and they found she had two bad teeth that were infected.  So, they pulled them.  They put her on an antibiotic for a week and day before yesterday, she started have bad stomach issues. 

So, back we went to the Vet's.  He took her off of the meds and put her on a probiotic and it seems to help.  She's started eating a little.

I know so many of us that hurt so bad when our pets are not well.  They are indeed part of our family.

Stay warm and safe.


PS - I finally found where I saw this wreath.  It was by Leanne @ Organize & Decorate Everything blog.

Thanks for the inspiration Leanne.

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