Sunday 7 August 2016

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Answered Prayers !!

Another short post just to let you know how your prayers have affected John's surgery.  The Doctors have been amazed because from the minute he came out of surgery until today (Thursday), he has had no pain!!
Now, mind you, he has two 6" incisions full of staples and he has had no pain!
The Doctor said he had never seen anything like it and I told him I knew it was from all of the prayers lifted up for him.  The Doctor agreed that must have been what it was.
We are home now (earlier than expected because of the confusion he was having at the hospital), he is eating well, sleeping a lot, and still no pain.
Thank you all so much for the prayers.  We are still awaiting the pathology report on the outlining areas.  Keep praying that it will be negative.
They will do a PET Scan in a few months to make sure that nothing shows up anywhere else.
Again, thank you all.

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