Thursday 30 June 2016

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Six Long Months and Yellow Roses

Six months ago today, I lost my precious John.  Even tho, I know he is healthy, well and with those he loves and his dear Savior, I cannot help but grieve.

If you remember, on birthdays and anniversaries, he always gave me yellow roses.

We had yellow roses in our wedding.  So, they are so very special to me.

Some of you suggested and I took it to heart, to plant a yellow rose bush so I would always have yellow roses to remind me of John.

So, I got the rose bush and awaiting to put it in the ground.

I wanted to share this photo with you.  I was cleaning out my closet and sorting a bunch of clothes the other day when Laynee was here.

All of a sudden, I looked over and she had the book with the folder from John's funeral in her hand and was telling him all about what was going on "down here" as she said.  Since then, anytime something happens - sometimes exciting, sometimes not so exciting - she runs and gets that book and just talks to him like he was sitting here beside her.

I have so many memories past and present to be thankful for and I truly am.  I just miss him terrible.


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