Wednesday 15 June 2016

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Its All So Hard To Believe

It is so hard to believe that Fall is here and the trees are gradually changing!
It is so hard to believe that this sonogram was taken over a year ago and.....
that these two precious babies will be one year old this coming Sunday!  How time flies!
It's hard to believe that my crocheted potholder wreath appeared in Romantic Homes this month.  (More on that later).
It's hard to believe that John had been in the hospital for a week and Tuesday, they came in and told us that we might as well go home and be comfortable because there was nothing else they could do for him.
It's hard to believe that on Monday, Hospice will be coming to the house to start helping take care of him.
It's all just so hard to believe.
But, God is still good and will see us thru all of this.  The doctors and nurses have all been just fantastic and we are so grateful to them for their love and care.
I will be posting when I can.  I can sew at home while he is resting, so that's what I will be doing a lot of.
Thank you for your many prayers!
It's all just so hard to believe.

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