Friday 24 June 2016

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A Fun Day With Laynee!

Let me tell you about one day with Laynee!!
She arrived at 7:00 a.m,
she slept till 8:30 and then watched cartoons,
then we went to McDonalds for breakfast,
then we went to the Chiropractors,
then we went to Old Navy to buy new flip flops,
then we went to Wal Mart,
then we went to the park pond and fed the ducks and geese,
then we came home,
then we had a tea party,
we painted,
we built a tent,
we built with blocks,
then we went to Burger King for lunch,
while driving there, we saw that there was a National Pinto and Painted Horse Show at the Fairgrounds,
they also had miniature horses.
We went to the arena and watched them show some of the horses and
she and Poppy even had their picture made with a cowboy!
We left the Fairgrounds and she went to sleep on the way home.  She takes about an hour and a half nap and we start over again.
We blow bubbles with the new bubble gun,
we write all over the driveway with chalk, and then,
I have the bright idea to teach her to play hopscotch.
Do you know how hard it is to hop at my age?
Talk about two tired old people.  I bet we go to bed early tonight.  LOL

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