Saturday 11 June 2016

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Christmas 2014

Needless to say, Christmas is really hard this year.  I am trying my best to not be a "downer" for the little ones but I don't think I am doing too good of a job of it.

I love Christmas!  I love all of the crowds of people, all of the hustle and bustle.  It just seems there are things that pop up that completely make me lose it all - like a song or a smell or a place I go that John and I used to go.

I understand that this is all part of the process but that does not make it any easier.  I am so thankful for my Tiffany who is my rock and seems to sense my every mood and phase I am going thru.  She lets no one get in my way.  She really is a precious granddaughter but she can be a bear sometimes if she thinks someone is not treating me right.  LOL

But, then I stop and remember the real reason for this blessed season - the birth of our Lord.  John was undoubtedly the most faithful Christian I have ever known and I try to remember this when I "lose" it.  I am so thankful for a God who can comfort me and tell me it's ok if I cry or whatever crazy thing I am doing at the time.  God is so good.

Hope you are all enjoying this festive season.  It truly is one of the most wonderful times of the year.


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