Saturday 22 October 2016

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Did You See The Super Moon and Happy Anniversary to my Sweet Husband!

One night week before last while we were at the hospital, I heard that there was going to be a "Super Moon" for a few nights.  This meant that the moon was going to be as close to the earth as it would be this year.
I went home to feed Bella and took these photos while I was outside playing with her.
It really was awesome.  So big and round and the whole sky just glowed from it.  It was a sight to see.  I am so glad that I got to see it.  I went back and told John about it, but where he was in the hospital, you couldn't see it. 
On another note, August 31 is a bittersweet day for us.  Forty-six years ago we were married (and they said it wouldn't last).  I am so thankful for my husband and all of the forty-six years we have celebrated together.
But, on a sadder note, it was also on August 31 six years ago that our precious great-grandson Landen passed away.  It was almost the exact time of day that we were married.
So, it's a good and hard day at the same time.  We have so many good memories that they outweigh the not-so-good ones.  We will celebrate quietly as John recuperates.
I need to once again thank you for all of your prayers for John and I.  The doctors keep saying that they don't know how these good things keep happening to him and John and I just smile and say that it's all of the prayers being said for him.  I am so grateful to have made so many praying and thoughtful dear friends.
Thank you all.

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