Friday 21 October 2016

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Acts of Kindness

"Be kind
for everyone you meet
is fighting a battle
you know nothing about!"
Don't know where this quote came from but I had it written down on a journal and ran across it today.  I thought to myself that I don't know anyone who is not fighting nor has had a major battle in their lives.  Some people prefer to not talk about their battles and some do.  But we all have them.
When I started blogging, I told Brenda that if anyone ever said anything negative about my blog, I would just die!!  I have been very fortunate that it has not happened yet.  I think reading some comments with negative reactions is what made me think about this.
"No act of kindness is ever wasted"
Does it hurt to compliment someone out of the clear blue sky?  You never know what is going on in someone else's life at the time and maybe just a slight word of encouragement would make their day much brighter.
I didn't realize when someone gave me a nice compliment on
something I did on my blog how it would make me feel.  I was so elated and thrilled.  I thought - someone really likes me and my blog.   I have had readers do that and I just want them to know how much it is appreciated.
There are so many acts of kindness that we can do that would probably make someone else feel so much better.  We just don't realize the shape some people's lives are in.  So, I guess the moral of this post is to go out and do an act of kindness for someone else.
Won't you please?

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