Monday 3 October 2016

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My 2014 Year

The year of 2014 will always be very unforgettable in my eyes.  Good times and some really bad times.  Things to be thankful for and things I wish I had never been exposed to.

In January, John and I were looking forward to taking Bella and ourselves to a little yellow cottage on the beach in Galveston, Texas.  However, our plans changed rapidly when John had another form of cancer pop up very suddenly and Doctor wanted him in hospital that day for surgery the next day.  Thank the good Lord, that surgery went very well and we were home in just three days, however, he wasn't able to travel.  Next year we said.  Next year.......

 We were so blessed to have those precious twin babies at home at last.  They had been in the NICU for three months and it was so good to have them home and doing so well.

February was a slow and uneventful month for us.  In March John was diagnosed with the latter stages of Alzheimer's.  This was a hard pill to swallow.

In April I got to go to Neosha, MO to my sister's for the annual City Wide Garage Sale along with my other sister.  We had so much fun.  

In April Brenda moved and we helped as much as possible.  Then we had an estate sale to help her get rid of a lot of the items she didn't want to move.

The summer months went by fairly fast as we enjoyed a few 2-3 day trips.  Branson, MO was one of our more enjoyable trips.

Suddenly, the first week in August John developed the third kind of cancer and another surgery.  So many bloggers sent us love and prayers and good wishes.  I was overwhelmed by their support.

We seemed to spend several days a week at various physician's and testing labs.  John still maintained his good nature and strongly kept his faith.  We had quite a few complications arise but spent the majority of our time in the hospital.

On August 31st, we celebrated our 46th Anniversary.

On October 14 , the doctor came in and told us they had done everything they could do and we just needed to go home and enjoy the time we had.  So we went home.  The following week we started Hospice.  I must say they are an amazing group of kind and compassionate people.

Two weeks later on November 5th, John passed away - at home and with me at his side which is what he wanted.  I am so grateful it happened that way - at home and together.

I have always said that there was never anyone I knew that was more ready to meet their Lord than John was.  He loved his church and was part of several prayer groups - even one that met at four o'clock on Thursday mornings!!!

His funeral was a few days later and was just as he would have wanted.  We had discussed it many times and had all of the arrangements pretty well made.

Since that day, I have been busy with all of the legalities that death incurred.  Once again, he had things pretty well arranged.  But, that was just my John

Thanksgiving and Christmas have come and gone and the pain is unreal.  Such an empty space in my heart.  John traveled a lot when he worked so I was use to taking care of all of the household chores, bill paying, etc.

But, I always knew he would be home on the weekends.

I really want everyone to know that I am so grateful for the last year I had with John.  We had a lot of silly, fun times and I have so many precious memories.  I am so thankful for all of the wonderful doctors, nurses and others that we had the pleasure of working with during this last year.

These beautiful wings Su sent me will always remind me that he is near and watching over me and the girls.

Bella and I cry a lot but I try to do it when I'm alone.  I miss him so much but am so grateful for the 46+ years we had.

God was so good to give us such a love - a love not easily forgotten.

Here we go 2015.


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