Tuesday 20 September 2016

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My Tomato Growing Experience

Being a small town girl growing up, I never had any association with gardens - vegetable that is.  So, I must relay this story to you about my tomato garden several years ago.

Before John started traveling so much, he always had a garden.  He loved to putter away in the heat and get all dirty pulling weeds.  Me - not so much.

As the years went on, I craved good-old home grown tomatoes.  About this time, one of the major magazines came out with an article on how to grow perfect tomatoes in a halved whiskey barrel.

So, I read up on all the things to do, what kind of soil to use, what kind of fertilizer, etc. and announced to John that I was going to grow tomatoes all on my own.

He nodded and said - OK Honey!

He went with me to the local store and I bought the half whiskey barrel, soil, fertilizer and tomato plants.

Now, what I didn't know was that you needed space.  I planted 18 tomato plants in my little barrel - barely 24" across.

Within a few weeks, I had a tomato forest!  I ask John why he didn't tell me that I didn't need that many plants and he just chuckled and said - remember, you wanted to do it on your own.

So, this year, I planted two plants.  Imagine my delight this morning when I had yellow blooms.  I was so excited.

My two plants have grown really fast.

I have them staked and fertilized.

Now, for the rest of the story......

John came home one weekend and I was preparing supper (back when I did cook) and I told him to go out and pick some tomatoes for the salad.  He replied that we didn't have any.  I said - just go check.

I had bought a box of cherry tomatoes and had hot-glued them all over my little forest of plants.

We laughed about that for years.  Hopefully, this year will be better.

I planted around my little Weeping Cherry Tree with Sweet Potato Vine.  The green and silver stuff just came up from last year.  Don't know what it is.  But, it's pretty.

Planted a pot of bright green Sweet Potato Vine.  If I put that in my back yard which gets alot of sun, it just goes crazy.  Remember last year??

The Sweet Potato Vine literally took over under the little tree.

Lastly, I found this beautiful glass solar light at Home Depot.  Can't wait until we have a little sun to activate it.



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