Friday 23 September 2016

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Its Definitely Spring Here!

My Father passed away 11 years ago and my Sunday School class bought me a White Dogwood tree and had it planted in my back yard in memory of my Dad.
I am constantly amazed (and don't know why) but every year it blooms on Easter.  It doesn't matter if Easter is in March or April, it always blooms on Easter weekend.  God's timing is so perfect!!
The Redbud Trees are just gorgeous.  FYI - the Redbud Tree is Oklahoma's state tree.
A few Easter photos - when I say the Easter bunny came - I don't mean just one.
My back yard is just full of them.  Bella just sits in the back yard and watches.  Doesn't even chase them anymore.
Look at those white fluffy tails.
This is the only half way decent photo I got of the girls opening their Easter baskets.  It is just a whirlwind of activity.
After the twins went to bed, Laynee and I dyed Easter eggs.  They came out pretty good.  You should see our hands - still - almost a week later.  I have several blue and green fingers. 
Not green thumbs mind you.  But, my tomato plants are doing quite well.  Can anyone tell me why they have those little dried tips on them?

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