Friday 16 September 2016

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A Few Days Away!

John and I decided to take a short trip and we went to Branson, Missouri.  If you've never been there, it is a wonderful place to visit.  They have so many different kinds of entertainment that you would surely find something you liked.
We always go to see this group - the Haygoods.  We've seen them about 6-7 times and each time the show is as good or better than before.  This is a family of five brothers and one sister who put on an amazing show.  They've been entertaining for over 20 years starting at Silver Dollar City.  Now they perform in one of the big theatres on the Strip and last year were named the "Entertainers of the Year" in Branson.
They play over 20 different instruments and their show is always a clean and enjoyable show.
If you are ever in Branson, you must see whatever show is going on at the Sight and Sound Theatre.  This year it is Jonah
The sets for Jonah are extraordinary and include a 50 foot ship that weighs over 30,000 tons.
Sight and Sound productions are known for including animal cast members and Jonah features 30 live animals including sheep, highlander cattle, camels, alpacas, horses, llamas, a sheep dog, birds, zebus and miniature donkeys.
This show carries you over land and sea, across deserts, into royal palaces and deep within the belly of a big fish.
The Titanic
There is a $1 million exact replica of the Grand Staircase in the exhibit of the Titanic.  You can touch an iceberg, steer the ship, receive a boarding pass and see over 400 artifacts.
So, there is definitely something for everyone.  We were blessed with the most perfect weather.  It was in the 70's during the days we were there.
There are tons of fantastic places to eat.  And we did eat!!
There are malls, outlets and craft stores galore.  One of the most fantastic fabric shops is in Branson.  And yes, I did go there!
We stopped on our way home in Joplin at one of my favorite Antique stores and shopped.  Well, I shopped and John sat!
My flowers went beserk while I was gone.  That Sweet Potato Vine has just grown and grown and so have the Petunias.  There was rain here while we were gone so I'm sure that helped the plants out greatly.
Bella was not a happy camper while we were gone.  Tiffany tried to take care of her, but she just wasn't going to be a happy dog.  So, we'll probably take her with us next time.
John made the trip just great and we had a wonderful time.  I am determined to get the most out of life with him by my side.  Life can change so quickly!

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