Sunday 3 April 2016

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The Old Grey Mare Aint What She Used To Be!!

Well, the move is complete.  Now, you still can't get around too fast because of all of the boxes and stuff, but all of Brenda's treasures are in her new home.  I am betting that the new home will be a showplace rather quickly.  That's just Brenda for you!  But, I must say, it was more tiring than I thought it would be.  Brenda and I are both worn out.
Her plants all survived the move wonderfully - even tho, we had to cover all of the outside plants with a tarp as we had freezing temps last night.  Today was beautiful tho and the movers were a delight and so careful with everything.  Now, it's just getting everything where she wants it.  But, like I said, knowing her, it'll be done quickly.
Did any of you see the Red Moon last night?  I was still up sewing around 2:00 a.m. and took my camera out to take a picture.....
as you can see, I'm certainly not good with that wide angle lens.  The thing is too heavy and I couldn't hold it steady.  But, trust me, the moon was blood red.  (I will practice using that lens some more - I promise).
Brenda has the internet people coming on Wednesday to hook her all up and she'll be back in business!

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