Wednesday 6 April 2016

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Soapy Adventures Continue

Hi all..

just wanted to keep you filled in on the latest instalment of 'My Soapy Adventures'...

well... I just had a lovely delivery yesterday of some new fragrant oils... yayyyy... as usual when I get new oils, I couldn't sniff quick enough... they were YUMMM!!! I am trying oils from Sweetcakes (nice name) & Leispa. The 1st one I soaped with the new oils was Juicy Pear... I simply had to try them straight away! This one smelt great but accelerated the 'trace' of the soap...  for those non-soapers at home... this meant the soap went thick extremely fast!! So much for lovely swirls.... just had to 'glob' it into the mould! It still looked pretty cool considering. Gotta love a 'rustic' soap! Can't wait to unmould this one...
The waiting game is the hardest. I can't look for at least 24 hours... 'NO PEEKING!'

The soap above is 'Lime Cooler'.. the little speckles are tea leaves for a slightly 'scrubby' soap...
& the one below is 'Green Tea & Lemongrass'... I know.. the tea leaves probably should have been in this one but I was wanting to add the Bentonite Clay Beads... these are awesome tiny little clay beads that exfoliate...


Waiting, waiting, waiting...

once a week these little babies are being flipped to even out the drying... mmm... should have taken the photo with their pretty little heads facing up.... oh well... you get to see the sides...
This lot will be ready in 2 more weeks and will be available for sale... I will post all the soaps as they are cured on my Wild Wicks Blogspot...

....waiting.... (I'm not very patient!!!)
Still, I'm having fun... Isn't that what life is all about??? Try something new...

Till next time,

Luv Deb x

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