Wednesday 9 March 2016

This is just a short post to update you dear friends on John's surgery.  The actual surgery went quite well the doctor said.  He has two six inch incisions and has not once complained about any pain.  What a blessing that has been.  Doctor said surrounding tissue looked good but of course we'll have to wait on the pathology reports to come back.

The surgery has not been as bad as the Alzheimer's has been.  Being in a strange place and lots of strangers coming in and out has gotten him totally confused.  That combined with the medications has really had him in an awful state.  He does not want me out of his sight.

Thank you all for all of the precious comments.  I read them to him yesterday and he wanted me to thank you all.  Prayers definitely worked.

We may be here a few more days.  We are both really ready to be home but I don't want to take him home until the doctors think he is ready!

Again, thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Blessings to each and everyone of you.


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