Thursday 10 November 2016

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My 500th Post and a Giveaway Today Only!!

What an exciting ride this has been.  I can hardly believe that this is my 500th post.  When I started I really did not know what I was getting into but I would not trade it for anything.  I have made so many friendships with people I will probably never meet but feel like they are my bestest buddies.

So, go on this journey looking back with me.

I got to share my fantastic trip to Alaska with you,

and meeting one of my real live blogging buddies up there in that beautiful country.

You got to share my Saturday Treasures with me.

We went from season

to season sharing our decor.

You've seen my precious preemie great grandbabies grow into little girls...

And Laynee being the best big sister ever.

She is growing up so fast - will be four in June.

You've helped me remember our precious Landen who I know is showing John all the things to do in Heaven.

You've learned that 20 North Ora was my parent's homeplace and thus the name of my blog and Etsy.

You've learned alot about me - my love of old lace and vintage linens...

of Coca Cola...

my love of wreaths and

and more wreaths.

How I love old tarnished silver....

and clocks of all shapes and sizes.

That I have a constant companion in Bella...

and my precious granddaughter Tiffany, of whom I probably would not have made it thru the last year without.  God bless her and her giving heart.

You helped me celebrate my 46th wedding anniversary last August and the last one here on earth with my love.

I could never express to you all what your prayers and love have meant to me the last year and a half.  Losing John was probably the hardest day of my life but I do rejoice in the fact that he is healthy and in Heaven with his Heavenly Father and Landen also!

Thank you for what you all mean to me.

"Grief never ends...But it changes.  It's a passage, not a place to stay.  Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of is the price of LOVE."
Author Unknown

Now that we've gone on this sentimental journey, let's get to the giveaway.

I have made a mini Miss Begonia that I am going to giveaway on Saturday.  All you have to do is comment. This giveaway is for today only comments - Friday, 4/24/2015.

She stands approximately 18" tall and is covered in vintage trim just like Miss Begonia.  Although, she does not have as tiny a waist as Miss B.  

Thank you again for being so wonderful!



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