Wednesday 11 May 2016

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Were There Again!

Just a short note to let you know John is back in the hospital again!  He woke up Thursday with a temp and swollen and very warm legs. After calling the doctor he wanted us to go immediately to the hospital.  We were whisked into a room in the ER - thank goodness.  They have done lots of blood work and cultures and we are awaiting results.  Meanwhile, they have him on massive amounts of high powered antibiotics.  He is better today but they are keeping him pretty knocked out.

Bless his heart, he started the worse case of hiccups I've ever seen from 3 in the afternoon on Thursday until 11 this morning.  He was just miserable.  They finally gave him something and they quit!  Weird, eh?

So, once again I ask for your prayers for him and his doctors.  God is still in control but your prayers helped so much last time.  So thank you in advance.


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